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The Laughing Stork

Chew on This: Wearing Your Child’s Tooth on a Chain

Defies Categorization

Chew on This: Wearing Your Child’s Tooth on a Chain

As somebody who saved her first child’s umbilical cord stump and the positive pregnancy tests from both go ’rounds (I know!  Stop looking at me like that!), I am probably not in the best position to judge this…

… But, oh well!  Here I go…

The latest crazy trend:  turning your kid’s first lost tooth into a necklace.  Yup!  Wear that precious memory of dangling gums and bloody extractions!  For $65, you can get a one-of-a-kind sterling silver baby tooth necklace.  Just get that tooth back from the Tooth Fairy, then send it to Etsy vendor Rock My World, and they’ll make a mold of it and cast it in sterling silver.  The silver tooth (how very Kanye West) comes with a 17-inch sterling silver chain, and never fear…you’ll get baby’s real tooth back, as well.

Hmmmm… I think I’ll wait for their fall collection, which will hopefully include a gold pendant immortalizing baby’s first poo!  Awwww.  Should go nicely with my mammary and vaginal pieces.



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Candy Kirby is the founder of The Laughing Stork and a professional fun-maker who will never stop chasing her lifelong dream: to find the Pomeranian or porn star after whom her parents must have named her. A humor columnist for Disney, Nickelodeon, Scary Mommy, Reductress and Redbook, she also used to be a staff writer for the soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful, where she penned many scripts featuring prolonged heated stares and countless “Who’s the Daddy?” story lines. Candy lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young kids and three rescue Persian cats, the latter of whom are the real brains behind this operation (so send all complaints to them).

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