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The Laughing Stork

New Line of Baby Cleats: Soft, Comfy and “Fully Chewable”

Baby Style

New Line of Baby Cleats: Soft, Comfy and “Fully Chewable”

If you were just thinking to yourself, “You know, it’s not nearly painful enough when my baby kicks me,” you’re in luck!  Because a company has just launched a line of cleats for the six-month-and-under set.

“My daughter and I got the idea for First Cleats after watching her children, my grandchildren, play sports,” said Executive VP of First Cleats Diana Lynn Ultican. “We were having a get together one night and we thought about the idea for the shoes and getting newborn babies on the path to athleticism.”

Using athletic wear to carve a “path to athleticism.”  Hmmm… not so sure about that logic.  ‘Cause I’m pretty sure my dad dressed me in Yankees baseball shirts, yet I still cannot walk and chew gum at the same time to this day.

The one-of-a-kind cleats are soft, comfortable and fully chewable, Ultican said.

Yes!  Fully chewable!  Awwww.  Baby’s first solid food.

I think I’ll stick with more practical footwear for my children.  Like baby high heels.  (Drew TOTALLY has the legs for them.)

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Candy Kirby is the founder of The Laughing Stork and a professional fun-maker who will never stop chasing her lifelong dream: to find the Pomeranian or porn star after whom her parents must have named her. A humor columnist for Disney, Nickelodeon, Scary Mommy, Reductress and Redbook, she also used to be a staff writer for the soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful, where she penned many scripts featuring prolonged heated stares and countless “Who’s the Daddy?” story lines. Candy lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young kids and three rescue Persian cats, the latter of whom are the real brains behind this operation (so send all complaints to them).

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