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End-of-Week News: Passive-Aggressive Moms; Baby Daddy Hugh Grant; Accused Baby Daddy Justin Bieber

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End-of-Week News: Passive-Aggressive Moms; Baby Daddy Hugh Grant; Accused Baby Daddy Justin Bieber

“Mom” is going to feel really dumb when she finally gets around to checking her voice-mail.  [Passive-Aggressive Notes]

Hugh Grant welcomes a daughter at 51 years old.   Good thing he has plenty of experience with young girls!  [The Celebrity Stork]

Why parents lie to let kids join Facebook.  Um, so their kids don’t have to lie to join Facebook?  [NYT]

Justin Bieber may not be able to brush off paternity claims:  LAPD may look into alleged half-minute sexual encounter.  Yes!  30 seconds!  At least it lasted longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage.  [ABC]

The 10 cutest pint-sized singers on YouTube.   And, no, I’m not talking about the aforementioned Biebs.  [Babble]

Candy Kirby is the founder of The Laughing Stork and a professional fun-maker who will never stop chasing her lifelong dream: to find the Pomeranian or porn star after whom her parents must have named her. A humor columnist for Disney, Nickelodeon, Scary Mommy, Reductress and Redbook, she also used to be a staff writer for the soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful, where she penned many scripts featuring prolonged heated stares and countless “Who’s the Daddy?” story lines. Candy lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young kids and three rescue Persian cats, the latter of whom are the real brains behind this operation (so send all complaints to them).

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